Our structured investment review process by fi360
The fi360 Investment Review Process
We believe to be effective we must provide ultra low-cost investment solutions which are driven by entire markets and economies, not the whims of a mutual fund manager or stock jockey.
We also believe we can never be “married” to any investment, fund company, or product. We must be completely “investment agnostic”. Being a fee-only investment manager allows us to be completely independent and investment agnostic.
Since we’re not beholden to any fund company, manager, or product, we review every client holding for it’s aptitude moving forward. To do this we use a process created by fi360, which is the Center for Global Fiduciary Insights.
The fi360 investment process scrubs the universe of mutual funds and ETF’s over 11 steps. It’s the most unbiased and robust screening process in the industry today:
While other “investment managers” recommend whatever the wholesaler who took them to lunch last week was selling, we have a process in place to deliver consistent, low-cost, tax-efficient results across both security type, asset class, and style.