3 Risk-Free Ways To Add A Quarter Million Dollars To Your Retirement
Live the retirement of your dreams with massive money confidence by squeezing every last dime from your retirement with these 3 risk-free strategies!
About These 3 Strategies
These are completely risk-free and relatively simple strategies that can add up to 2.2% per year to your retirement planning! You can implement them yourself—or with the help of your financial advisor!
For the average retired couple that means you could have an additional $249,393 (and up to $591,280) to your retirement . . . and I’ll even teach you the math behind those numbers!
What would an extra quarter-million dollars (or more) mean to your retirement?
- Would you buy the Lexus instead of the Honda?
- Would you play the private course instead of the muni course?
- Would you fly first class instead of coach?
Or maybe you’d leave a heartfelt legacy to your grandkids so they can enjoy the college education you always wanted! Whatever it is, it’s not only doable with these 3 strategies . . . it’s inevitable!

The Strategy That Slashes Taxes
I’ll show you one simple tactic that will slash your investment related taxes, add .75% to your retirement planning, AND I’ll give you a cheat sheet you can use to implement it!

And these aren't my ideas!
That’s right! These are strategies that two financial industry behemoths vetted (and we’ve been using for years). Your jaw will drop when you find out who they are . . . and I’ll even send you their reports if you stay to the end!

The one tactic that actually reduces your risk
I’ll teach you the one tactic than not only improves investment returns by .35% . . . but actually reduces your investment risk!

The ultimate retirement spending method
I’ll illustrate the ultimate retirement withdrawal and spending method that adds 1.1% to your retirement planning.

Hi, I’m Greg!
Over the last couple of decades, I’ve helped thousands of people just like you retire. Over that time, nothing has struck me more than the fear . . . the anxiety . . . the frustration they felt in the process. And it’s to be expected, I mean you only retire once right? (hopefully anyway . . .)
As the beads of sweat rolled down their foreheads they wondered “Will I die broke?” “Can I take those trips?” “What if I get sick for years late in life?” “Will I leave too much—or not enough—money behind?”
So I’ve made it my passion—my purpose—to help alleviate that fear and worry. Retirement should be fun after all, not worry and stress-filled. If you’re not confident in your path to living the retirement of your dreams, by default you’ll never be able to live the retirement of your dreams (because you’ll always be worried, and the retirement of your dreams can’t possibly include worrying all the time!)
How do I do this you ask? How do I help alleviate those fears and worries the nearly—and newly—retired person faces?
I do this through a methodical process of retirement planning, and part of that planning is feverishly squeezing every last dime out of your finances. Sometimes it’s through smarter investing. Sometimes it’s by slashing your lifetime taxes. Sometimes it’s creating the perfect plan for you.
For today’s webinar, it’s about maximizing your retirement income, minimizing your taxes, planning and managing your investments the right way. I’ve studied every word in the reports I’ll send you proving these strategies work, and my hope for you is that by breaking down their tactics you’ll be able to live a more confident, more memorable, and more purposeful retirement! The one you’ve always dreamed of . . .
Yours in financial prosperity,